










SECRET MEETINGS: The protesters said the DPP had sided with big busine小額信貸利息計算公式sses rather than workers and that it had become the ‘capitalist progressive party’

By 台中借錢救急C高雄小額借款10萬hen We彰化小額借款學生i-han / 小額貸款率利計算Staff reporter

A dozen stud台南學生小額借款e小額信貸利率比較n高雄借錢急用ts yesterday stormed the legislative off新竹小額借款無需工作ice of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) caucus whip Ker Chien-ming (柯建銘) to protest the party’s plans to cancel seven national holidays.

Members of the Taiwan Higher Education Union and Labor Struggle, a coalition of unions and student groups, occupied Ker’s office in an annex of the Legislative Yuan in Taipei ahead of a cross-party negotiation to discuss a draft amendment to the Labor Standards Act (勞動基準法) proposed by the DPP, which新竹小額借貸當日撥款免保人 would reduce the number of public holidays from 19 to 12 and implement a five-day workweek with one mandatory day off and one “flexible rest day.”台中小額借錢

The protesters demanded a public debate with Ker and called on the DPP to withdraw the bill.

銀行小額借款條件Police evicted them aft小額借錢的方法台中借錢不求人er a 30-minute standoff an小額信貸利率如何計算d銀行小額借貸利率比較 the protesters later held a news conference.

The protest was directed against Ker because of his role in the party’s negotiations wi學生小額借款th interest groups, particularly two “secret meetings” with corporate representatives in June and高雄小額借款5萬 another meeting in August, the protesters said.

They criticized the DPP for rushing the bill through two legislative sessions on Oct. 5 and on Thursday last week, with even DPP legislators who profess to have progressive values mobilized to bulldoze it through, Labor Struggle member Cheng Chung-hao (鄭仲身份證借錢台中皓) said.小額借錢廣告

“The DPP administration claims that it is on the side of workers, but it高雄借錢管道 held secret meetings with business leaders. What about the workers? Where is the promised communication?” Cheng said. “The DPP is basically the ‘capitalist’ progressive party.”宜蘭小額借款快速撥款

Ker said that the DPP had included a set of supporting measures in the bill and the legislation would be debat銀行小額借款快速撥款ed and negotiated according to due process.中壢小額借款3萬

“It is legislators with whom I should engage in a debate,” Ker said, brushing aside the protesters’ deman小額貸款率利試算表ds. “The le小額信貸利息怎麼算gislature has its own rules.”

Legislative Speaker Su Jia-chyuan (蘇嘉全) denounced the protesters’ actions, saying they jeopardized the safety of legislators and legislative staff銀行小額信貸試算ers.大台中小額借貸台中市小額借款

Su drafted a legislative statement of condemnation, but the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) caucus refused to endorse 小額借款 10萬 桃園it.高雄民間小額借款

DPP caucus chief executive Wu Ping-jui (吳秉叡) said the protest was unacce各家銀行小額信貸利率比較2017p小額借貸小額借款3萬table, as台南小額借款五千高雄證件借款 免抵押品 legislators’ offices are private and that protest高雄小額借貸政府ers might start occupying the homes of legislators if they fail to distinguish between public and private spaces.

KMT Legislator Lee Yan-hsiu (李彥秀) said the DPP had vowed to communicate with the public on major 桃園民間小額借款policies, but it has fueled social division by trying to force the bill through a divided legislature.

Lee asked Su to remain impartial when chairing cross-party negotiations or the opposition parties would l台南小額借貸a待業小額借款3萬unch an all-out boycott of the DPP’s bills.

新聞來源:小額借款廣告銀行小額借款利率嘉義小額借款快速撥款>TAIPEI TIMES

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